11 September 2010
The Tempest
“Beth came to mind because she has this incredible – she feels like Helen [Mirren] to me; she has the vulnerability and the power, simultaneously. So the song was written with Beth in mind; there was never any question of...
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1 September 2010
Prospera’s Coda
Music from the 2010 Motion Picture Soundtrack. Composed by Elliot Goldenthal. The Tempest is an American action film based on the play of the same name by William Shakespeare, featuring Helen Mirren in the principal role of Prospera, David Strathairn...
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3 June 2008
Palermo Shooting
A Wim Wenders film from 2008 featuring Beth's song 'Mysteries' and Portishead's 'The Rip' After the wild life-style of a famous young German photographer almost gets him killed, he goes to Palermo, Sicily to take a break. Can the beautiful...
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